Welcome to Benkei's About page!

Benkei has entered the 8th year this year. Benkei likes to express our deepest thanks to those who have been so supportive so far.

The founder of Benkei, a 65+ years old lady has long adopted the name given by guests - Benkei Okasan, mother from Benkei restaurant. With no German nor English, she can communicate with everyone beyond language. Give it a try!

She is consistently looking for tasty, healthy recipes for Benkei's menu. In case you come across any good tip you'd like to share. You're more than welcomed to talk to her or send us an E-mail in German, English or Japanese. We appreciate your advices.

2 new tatmi roomsPhoto on the left with Palisander wood wood tatami are Benkei's 2 newly renovated sliding door tatami rooms in Izakaya section. The 2 tables can be connected with an additional panel to make the 2 rooms into one that can accommodate up to 20 people. Company internal meal meetings or family gatherings will find the connected tatami rooms a suitable place for parties. Advance reservation is recommended.

   Our general view    towards Japanese    food we serve here    remains; authentic ,    simple , direct and    pure.
   assorted sushi
   Many dishes are not in    our menu. If you are    more adventurous, or    simply "Non- Beginner"    any longer, please ask    Benkei Okasan for dish    specials.

    Bon appetite!

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maple wood tatami roomPhoto left:
A maple wood tatami room is available in formal setting. We would really suggest that you try the proper full course house menu -Omakasse to enjoy the tatami atmosphere.

sushi bar Photo left:
 Same maple wood  style in sushi bar is  found at the right  entrance. Benkei's strength relies on fresh fish . We take effort to bring out best possible fish available in town , to our guests.

Benkei's name in Japanese Benkei logo Benkei Vienna Japanese Restaurant sushi fish greeting you
assorted sushi Moriawasei
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